We at Harlin Diamonds consider the "one on one approach" most beneficial in explaining the importance of these classifications. Our trained sales staff looks forward to answering your questions and assuring that you will find the diamond best suited to your taste and budget.

Call now to schedule an appointment - (404) 688-1942

Diamond Grading Scale - The 4 Cs

Cut, Color, Carat Weigh and Clarity are used to grade and classify diamonds.

Cut  -  We carefully select the diamonds we inventory for optimum fire and brilliance. We inventory well cut to ideal cut diamonds. Allow us to explain how the cut of a diamond effects its beauty.

 Color  -  We consistently stock colorless to near colorless diamonds.

  • D-E-F                Colorless
  • G-H-I-J              Near Colorless

Carat Weight  -  We stock diamonds ranging from 0.50 carat to 3.00 plus carats in all the most popular shapes.

Clarity  -  Is determined by the GIA Grading Scale . Our traditional inventory consists of diamonds IF in clarity to SI.

FL (Flawless) - No imperfections inside or outside of the diamond under the power of a 10-magnification loupe.

IF (Internally Flawless) - No internal imperfections under the power of a 10-magnification loupe.

VVS-1, VVS-2 (Very, Very Slightly Imperfect) - Small imperfections very difficult to see under the power of a 10-magnification loupe.

VS-1, VS-2 (Very Slightly Imperfect) - Small imperfections which are slightly (VS-2) to difficult (VS-1) to see under the power of a 10-magnificaltion loupe.

SI-1, SI-2 (Slightly Imperfect) - Imperfections that are fairly easy to see under the power of a 10-magnification loupe.

SI-3 (Slightly Imperfect) - Slightly visible to the naked eye. This grading fills a void between SI-2 and I-1. Although this grade is listed in the Rapport Wholesale Buying Guide and used by EGL, not all grading laboratories recognize this classification.

I-1, I-2, I-3 (Imperfect) - Imperfections from eye visible to easily seen by the naked eye.


Phone: (404) 688-1942
Fax: (404) 688-7541
Email: harlindiamonds@bellsouth.net

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